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Saturday, February 27, 2016

Yoga: How Does It Improve Your Health?

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Yoga is a form of alternative medicinal practice that originates from India. It combines the disciplines of physical and mental to achieve inner peace, relaxation and stress and anxiety management. Yoga has many styles, forms and intensities. It depends on people’s personal preferences to practice which type of yoga but most people benefit from any style of yoga.

There are numerous health benefits of yoga and this may includes:

Yoga can improve fitness. Practicing yoga will help in improving balance, flexibility, and core strength of the body. The body becomes stronger and reliant that it would be less likely to be injured in other physical activities or daily activities

Many people attest to this. Yoga definitely helps conquering health conditions such as cancer, back pain, depression, anxiety and insomnia by improving sleep problems, fatigue and mood. Yoga also reduces heart rate and blood pressure which is good for the body in the long run.

With obesity being the main topics nowadays, people always take the shortcut by dieting to lose weight. However, yoga can actually help people who are obese or have binge-eating disorder through healthy lifestyle changes by controlling appetite and lose weight through regular yoga practices. No more yo-yo diet.

Today’s environment involves chaotic and irregular schedules that could make a sane person go crazy. However, yoga can help release the stress and helps the mind concentrate. It draws the mind to calmness and help balance out the stress of meeting day-to-day needs.

Yoga Guide For Complete Beginners

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For beginners who are just started to learn yoga, what really matters are perseverance and patience. It is the person’s attitude towards learning a new thing and the determination to see it through the end. Everything else will just come easy.
For yoga, there is no need to get anything new to practice yoga. Just some loose fitting clothes, a yoga mat, and a practice place that is quiet is enough to start with. It is also important to have a balanced diet (sattwik) which can helps in yoga practice.
Yoga is best practice on an empty stomach or about one or two hours after a full meal. It is important to empty your bowel, clean your nostril and throat and drink a glass of warm water 15 minutes before your start. However, to avoid getting hungry during practice, it is possible to consume something light such as fruit, or energy bar one hour before yoga.
Yoga is an exercise that does not require sports equipment.  It can be practiced virtually anywhere by people of all ages. It is advisable to practice in a quiet, clean and well ventilated place. A mat, blanket, or towel could be used to provide support or give comfort when doing lying or sitting position. Loose or stretch clothing are important to give freedom to body and not restrict its movement. Choose from shorts, sweat clothes or leotard.
Similar to regular exercise, start with easy poses to familiarize your body for much difficult exercises later. Do not strain yourself. If there is any pain or fatigue, give yourself a break. Try relaxing in between difficult exercises to give your body a rest. Yoga sessions can be done first thing in the morning to rejuvenate the mind and body. It is best done daily. Even as little as 15 minutes of practice and 15 minutes of breathing can contribute benefits.
Yoga session can be break down to warm up exercises, standing poses, sitting poses, twists, supine and prone poses, inverted and balance poses, backbends and finishing poses. More information can be obtained online or by joining a yoga studio. However it is important to keep in mind that the most important thing is the desire to expand self awareness and the attitude of persevering.

How To Incorporate Yoga Into Your Everyday Life

Image result for How To Incorporate Yoga Into Your Everyday Life
Yoga is a fascinating exercise that helps to rejuvenate body and improves health. Many people practice it regularly and shown benefits. However, some wonder, how do I incorporate yoga into my daily life?
This is how you can do it:
  1. Practice yoga in the morning. At the break of dawn, it is the best time to practice yoga. The day is just beginning and everything is quiet and calm. The sensation will prepare you for the day ahead.
  2. Practice meditation after work. Allocate 20 minutes of your time after work to meditation. It helps to relax and calm the mind after the adrenaline rush. Then you can continue to do your work or duties around the house. How is that compared with dazing yourself with watching tv or immersing in computer games?
  3. Practice yoga breathing. Try practicing yoga breathing once in a day. It could be during a walk or a break from work. Pick the simplest yoga breathing.  Then up the ante by doing it more often, increasing slowly by one a day.
  4. Eat healthily. Diet is important to your body. Do not neglect your body and chose naturally nourishing food. It is important to make wise choices in your food.
  5. Start slowly. Try to start with 15 minutes of yoga practice and slowly build up to 30 minutes until 1 hour practice per day. 1 hour is sufficient. It would be overexerting yourself if you try to do yoga for 2 hours right from the beginning.

Why not give yoga a try today?

8 Benefits Of Practicing Yoga

Image result for 8 Benefits Of Practicing Yoga
Yoga is a form of exercise that originates from India. It has been associated with a lot of benefits which make it extremely popular around the world.  This article discusses the benefits of yoga and gives the reasons to start learning yoga now.
1.      People are concern with anti-aging products to help them preserve youth. However, yoga can help to combat aging by circulating blood in the body and stimulate detoxification process.
2.    Yoga strengthens the body’s core strength while improving upper and lower back muscles. This helps the body to maintain a proper posture and reduce any ache caused by improper posture.
3.      Do you know that some people lose weight by doing yoga? It may not seem tiring to some as it involves a lot of stretching and sitting on a yoga mat but it is an intense exercise which increase metabolism. With increased metabolism, the weight will fall off easily.
4.      Yoga increased your body flexibility through stretching. Most occupation involves office work that requires sitting down and staring at computers which does nothing to flexibility. By doing yoga, your body is more flexible and this helps in sexual intercourse as well.
5.     Yoga also helps the mind to concentrate and improves its memory. This is because the brain is receiving more blood due to increased blood circulation. It is beneficial for students who have a hard time to study.
6.     Doing yoga can increase the level of endorphins in the body and bring about mood improvement. Mood improvement helps increased confidence and can help to combat depression.
7.      Researchers have shown that yoga is beneficial to people who are suffering from illness. Yoga is able to increase internal organs ability to withstand disease. The overall health is dramatically improved in the long run.
8.     Yoga can help relieve stress. This is because yoga helps people to concentrate while relaxing themselves. Daily yoga will help people to start cherish present.